Geographical distribution of the collaborating experts and centres
W.Schmidt. Dept. of Radioth. and Radiobiology. University of Vienna. A-1090 Austria.
W.Hinterberger. Department of Medicine. University of Vienna. Vienna.
A.Dutreix. Univ. Hospital St. Rafael. Radiotherapy Dept. 3000 Leuven.
J.Van Dyk. Physic division. Ontario Cancer Institute. Toronto. Ontario. Canada M4X 1K9.
J.Juul-Christensen. Dept. Medical Physics Commune Hospital. Dk-Aarhus.
A.A.Safwat. Natl. Canc. Inst. Univ. of Cairo. Cairo.
H. Aget. Centre Hospitalier de Tours. Serv. Radiotherapie. 37044 Tours. Cedex
E.Briot. Physics Department. Institute Gustave Roussy. F-94805 Villejuif Cdex.; P.Piedbois. Dept. of Oncology. CHU Henri Mondor. 51, Ave. du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny. 94000 Crteil.
N.C.Gorin. Dept. of Hematology, BMT Unit. Hopital Saint-Antoine. Paris; A.Fischer. Dept. of Pediatrics. Hopital Necker-Enfant Malades. Paris; E.Gluckman. Service d'Hematologie. Hopital Saint-Louis, Centre Hayem. Paris; C.Raffoux. France Transplant. Hopital Saint-Louis. Paris.
C. Papavassiliou, A. Perrys, C. Dardoufas. Areteion University Hospital. Radiation Physic Unit.
DGMP-Working group on "Physical Aspects of TBI" (secretary: U.Quast, Essen); German Association of Medical Physicists.
P.Feyer. Abteilung fr Radiologie. Universitt Leipzig. Liebigstr. 20a. O-7010 Leipzig; H.Feist. Abt. Medizinische Physik. Klinikum Grohadern. Postfach 70 12 60. D-8000 Mnchen 70; A.Hoederath. Dept. of Radiotherapy. Univers. Hospital of Essen. D-4300 Essen; K.L.Rittmann and J.H.Karstens. Med. Physics Dept. Med. Hochschule Hannover. D-3000 Hannover.
A. Piermatei. Istituto di Fisica. Universita Cattolica S.Cuore. Roma; E.De Sapio, P. Villa. Servizio di Fisica Sanitaria. Ospedale S.Camillo. Roma; L. Andreucci. Serv. di Biofisica. Inst. Nazionale Ricerca sul Cancro. Genova.
G.Gobbi. Fisica Sanitaria. Policlinico Hospital. I-Perugia.
A.Bacigalupo. Department of Hematology. Ospedale San Martino. Genova; F.Porta. Department of Pediatrics. Spedale Civile, Univ. of Brescia. Brescia.
B.J.M.Heijmen. Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center. Dept. of Clinical Phys. P.O. Box 5201, 3008 AE Rotterdam; J.J.Broerse, Dept. of Clinical Oncology, University Hospital, 2300 RC Leiden and Radiobiological Institute TNO, 2280 HV Rijswijk; Ir.H. de Vroome, Dept. of Clinical Oncology, K1-1, P.O.Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden.
J.J.Broerse. Institute for Applied Radiobiology and Immunology TNO. P.O.Box 5815. NL-2280 HV Rijswijk; H. de Vroome. Academisch Ziekenehuiis. Afd. Klinische Oncologie K.I.P. PB 9600. NL-2300 RC Leiden.
J.J.van Rood. Dept. of Immunohaematology and Bloodbank. Akademisch Ziekenhuis. Leiden.
M.F. Da Silva. Dept. Radioterapia. Instituto Portugus de Oncologia de F. Gentil. Lisboa.
I.Gusev. Hematology Department. Institute of Biophysics. Zivopisnoja 46. 1231182 Moscow.
M. Ùzsahin. Department of Radiation Oncology. Cerrahpasa School of Medicine. 34303 Aksaray-Istanbul.
A.Brosed. Serv. Metrologa. CIEMAT. 28028 Madrid; V. Gonzßlez. Serv. Fsica Mdica. Hosp. V. del Roco. 41013 Sevilla; J. Vivanco. Serv. Fsica Mdica. Hosp. General de Asturias. 33080 Oviedo; M.C.Paredes, M.C.Izpizua, L.N±ez. Serv. Fsica Mdica. Clnica Puerta de Hierro. Madrid; M.C. Lizuan Serv. Fsica Mdica. Hosp. Bellvitge. Barcelona; M. Ribas. Serv. Fsica Mdica. Hosp. Santa Cruz y San Pablo. Barcelona. J.J.Torres. Hospital de la Princesa. Madrid.
G.Gahrton. Departmenbt of Medicine. Hudding Hospital. Huddinge.
R. Miralbell. Div. Radio-Oncologie. Hpital Cantonal Universitaire. 1211 Genve 14.
A.Gratwohl. Dept. of Internal Medicine. Kantonspital Basel. Basel.
United Kingdom:
W.P.M. Mayles. Dept. of Clinical Radiotherapy Phys. Royal Marden Hospital. SM2 5PT Surrey; D.Doughty. Radiation Phys. Dept. St. Bartholomew's Hospital. West Smithfield. London EC1A 7BE; S.C.Klevenhagen. Dept. of Medical Phys. The Royal London Hospital. Whitechapel. London E1 1BB; F.A.Smith. Radiation Phys. Phys. Dept. QMW College. Univ. of London. London E1 4NS; J. Lord. Royal Free Hospital. Hampstead. London NW3 2QG ; S. Fletcher and C. Hall. Med. Phys. Dept. Bristol Oncology Center. Horfield Rd, Bristol BS2 8ED.
J.Goldman. Haematology Department. Royal Postgraduate Medical School. London; J.Hows. Blood Transfusion. Hammersmith Hospital. London; B.Bradley. United Kingdom Transplant Service. Bristol; A.Goldstone. Haematology. University College Hospital. London.
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